Strong while still being flexible is a trait I deeply admire. Seated Spinal Twist combines these two poles into one beautiful posture. Encouraging deep engagement of core muscles, this pose is best done with a flexible mind as well as body. If you are not in the mindset for this pose then you will not be in this pose. Being able to maintain the integrity of a straight spine while twisting requires concentration as well as openness, strength and flexibility. This is a great pose to discuss Stiram and Sukam. You must be strong through the spine, holding your back very straight while allowing your breath to ease you deeper into the twist and softening the muscles in the neck, face, and hips. As with all twists, this posture helps to detoxify the internal organs and renew the blood. Renewal is also happening on an emotional and mental level, as I twist from one side to another my perspective changes and I can come back to my center.

Swami Sivananda Radha suggests that this pose could be difficult for people who hold too strongly onto their old beliefs as it requires such flexibility in both body and mind. This pose can serve to remind us that the mind often twists our stories, memories and beliefs to change them to better fit our ego or for self justification. Ardha Matsyendrasana can help bring us into truth by twisting us into a new perspective and as we unwind it clears our vision and helps to reset the mind. While in the twist see if you can find an old belief you may be telling yourself which no longer serves you. As you untwist exhale out that belief and release it forever.
Finally, this posture can represent the decision to bend old ways and manifest personal and spiritual goals for the yogi.
Join Nathalie at Sacred Arts on Monday evenings for Sacred Posture.
Ardha Matsyendrasana Key Terms: Strength, Flexibility, Twist, Renewal.
Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language. Swami Sivananda Radha The Pure Heart of Yoga: Ten Essential Steps for Personal Transformation. Robert Butera (Website).
Nathalie Stanley Olson is a Hatha yoga teacher (Akhanda Yoga, RYS).