One of my favorite poses is Tree Pose (Vrksasana). 

I view this pose as a great metaphor for life. 

When I first attempted tree pose, I couldn’t do it.  I couldn’t find my balance and I certainly could not place my foot on my inner thigh.  And like life, I had choices.  I could have quit trying.  I could have become frustrated.  I could have pushed myself too hard which may have resulted in injury.  Instead, over time, I pushed myself gently, knowing where my limits were.  And on the days where my body did not want to be in Tree, I listened and came back to it another time. 

Now when I come into my tree pose, it reminds me that many things in life do not just happen.  It reminds me to be patient, to persevere, and listen to my body or intuition. 

And most importantly, it reminds me to be OK with wherever I am.  

Michele Trumpour – sharing her expertise in yoga and living an active lifestyle.