What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient art and science used to achieve optimum health, overall well being, and relaxation. It uses movement, breath, sound, and deep relaxation to bring calmness, reduce stress and increase vitality and fitness. The tools you learn in yoga can also be applied outside of the yoga studio. See below to learn about just some of the benefits of yoga.
What can I expect at my first class?
Congratulations on a big step toward a healthy and happy lifestyle! Newcomers are always welcome. Book your class online in advance through our website. You’ll recieve a confirmation email and a reminder 2 hours before class begins. Arrive about 10 minutes before your scheduled class time so you have time to settle in. Come prepared for class in comfortable clothing for exercise. The teacher will inform you of any necessary props. We do have supplies you can borrow at the studio, however we do encourage you to bring your own mat and any props you may have. Most classes start with gentle warm ups and breathing exercises, are followed by an exercise set, and end with a deep relaxation.
How do I know which class is right for me?
We offer a range of diverse classes, both in-studio and online, so there really is something for everyone. We recommend that you try as many styles of yoga as possible at least a couple of times since each day of practice and each teacher will offer a different experience. You may also contact us for a consult.
What should I wear?
Come prepared for exercise wearing comfortable clothing like tights or shorts and a t-shirt that can be tucked in. Yoga is practiced in bare feet.
What should I bring to class?
A water bottle and yoga mat are the essentials. Some props, blankets, and mats are available to borrow at the studio if you don’t have your own. For meditation classes and Kundalini Yoga classes, a meditation cushion and blanket are nice to have.
What if I can't do the poses?
Yoga teaches us to accept ourselves where we are and to respect the unique abilities of each body. All teachers will be able to offer modifications for beginner and advanced levels so that everyone can participate in their own way. It is normal to have people with different levels of ability in each class.
What benefits might I experience?
-Greater confidence
-Increased energy
-Improved flexibility, strength, and posture
-Weight loss
-Improved concentration
-Breath control and greater lung capacity
-Better circulation
-Strengthened immune system
-Strengthening and flexibility of the spine
-Assists in detoxifying the organs and body
-Improves bone density
-Soothes aches and pains
-Increases sense of overall well-being
What if I have limited mobility?
Yoga can benefit people of all physical abilities. Our studio is currently located on a main floor level with wheel chair access, so we can accommodate you with chair yoga if needed. Inquire about upcoming sessions and one-on-one yoga.
How can I pay?
You may purchases classes online via our website. Studio Nine also accepts credit and cash our studio.
What if I can't afford yoga?
We appreciate that everyone should be welcome to benefit from yoga regardless of income. You may speak with us regarding a seva (form of service) that will benefit the studio and community. We also give back with free draws and offer free classes from time to time. If you subscribe to our newsletter via our website, your first class is free! 1 and 3 Month Unlimited members can also bring a new friend to class every month free of charge.